Saturday 15 March 2014

Well, This is a Thing.

Okay, so I threw this together a little while ago for some guy from clan Pussycats on Warframe.
Vectored over a period of 2 hours 25 minutes from his (I think it was his) sketch.
To anyone who actually does read the stuff I dump here, feel free to critique it or something. I dunno. I don't even know why I try.

Friday 28 February 2014

Warframe Fanlore - Ash

"You may step forward Captain."
"This tribunal regarding the decimation of the Second Advanced Reconnaissance Division may now begin."
Behind the table sat six people; two generals, a major, a couple of senators, and the Secretary.
Before the table sat a large pile of ash and a lone soldier, scarred by a myriad of cuts and burns.
"This is all that remains of your platoon, is it not?"
He could only nod.
"What happened out there Captain?"
"An ambush Mister Secretary. They had the prototypes."
"Somewhat unfortunate that we are to witness the effectiveness of our weaponry demonstrated on our own soldiers." mused a general.
"It is also unfortunate that it is this tribunal's decision to hereby disband the SARD." declared a senator.
"You are being reassigned, Captain."
"In all due respect sirs, ma'am, I am willing to keep fighting them, My men would be too if they were able."
"Oh, don't worry Captain. You and your men will keep fighting." answered the Secretary.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Chapter 1 part 2 - To Protect What is Loved

"We've had border skirmishes with them before. But never like this. The jungle edge burnt to the point not even ashes remain." said the woman.
"I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Cait Razorwind, and as you can probably tell, I'm an Angil." Cait drew her hood back at these words. Large emerald, slitted eyes staring at the ground from beneath her ginger hair.
"They came in force during the night. I was still up putting my family to bed but-" Cait stopped, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
"I could hear the screams from our guard. My people are few, our guard even fewer, and I couldn't lose the home I've spent these last few years building.
I went out. My arrows flew, metals clashed. They wanted to bring us a nightmare. I have seen battle before, but this was different. Proud warriors pinned to trees by their own blades, archers riddled with more arrows than they held in their quivers, not a thing to be found of our casters. Such are the horrors they visited upon us.
When the last guardsman fell and I was alone, something inside me snapped. I don't know what it was, all I know was that after it was gone, I wrought upon them every horror they had brought against us a thousand times over.
By morning, the chief found me in the middle of the village, my bow broken, bow string and paws dripping with blood. Every weapon I had taken with me, gone. I wanted to cry, but no tears would come. I wanted to shout, but my throat couldn't even whisper. I just stood there, covered in blood.
I told the chief to look after everything I had. I left the village that day. Haven't been back for weeks. Everwhere I went, I saw what they'd done. Everytime some of them were still in the midst of their destruction, I lost it. Pretty sure I've got almost a hundred bodies behind me now. I've been told it gets easier over time, but so far it hasn't.
I got a letter yesterday, told me to come here so I could help do something about this mess. Here I am."

Friday 7 February 2014

Chapter 1 part 1 - By the Fireside

A small fire pit lay before the three travellers, casting a soft glow over them. Though none could see the others clearly, they could hear the weapons and armour they each wore.
Each had the same question in their mind; "Why am I here and who are these people?"

Each person who had come to be by the fire was quite different from the others.
A young girl, not even of age, clad in light armour, thin sword at her waist. Above long pointed ears, silvery hair was braided around her head, only to continue flowing down her back.
A man in his prime, covered in plate, greatsword strapped to his back. His cropped locks, auburn in the dim light.
The third, nothing but a cloaked figure with a pair of furred ears poking through their hood, bow slung over the shoulder and a telltale jingle of small metal forms hidden within.

It wasn't long before a fourth joined the three, bringing with him more wood for the fire. In the fresh glow he could be seen clearly. Dark overcoat billowing in the breeze, shaggy hair, grey with age running over his high collar, short ears coming to a taper, a pair of impossibly long pistols hanging from his belt.

"I've read about you," said the girl, "You're the one called The Captain, right?"
The Captain only nodded to affirm her assumption.
"The Captain, eh? So you're the one who beat back thirty of the bastards with just a small squad." stated the man.
"Impressive feat," said the cloaked one, voice revealing them to be a woman. "But I didn't think that would be enough to draw you away from your valley, son of Lupis."
"Obviously the note you have all recieved was enough." Floating down from above, dressed lightly despite the chilly air, was a woman, said to be the most beautiful to ever be, her six wings shining in the dark of the night.
"My oh my. Never thought I'd see the Supreme Justice here." exclaimed the man.
"I suppose you are the one who called us out here then, Ultimael?" asked the girl.
"It was not I, your highness." The man and cloaked woman, both glancing at the girl at these words. "I suspect the last has yet to arrive.

"In the mean time, why don't we discuss why we're here. I assume our missives all bear a similar theme."
"War." was the only word heard after.

Chapter 0 - Prologue

It has been said that He would travel throughout the universe, filling worlds with wonder so as to fit His image of perfection. But when He came to what would become our world, He decided to experiment.

On the first day, He moved the world from darkness into light.
On the second, He opened the earth to reveal the waters beneath.
On the third day, He moved the air, making wind to shape the land.
On the fourth day, He gave the pure flame to the world, and filled it with beauty.
On the fifth day, He carved from himself The Six and tasked them with adding to what He had already done.
On the sixth day, we were born.
On the seventh day, The Six declared the world done.

~ "Our World and Our Origins" by H. Hevcan, ARCHIVE Library.